Symbol tweet update

Symbol blockchain tweet update – 27/07/21

It’s time for Tuesday’s Symbol Blog update. It will be an early one as it contains a reminder to attend the town hall meeting – if I post this tomorrow morning then you will have missed it already! πŸ˜†

I didn’t get much in the way of new tweets sent in today and I didn’t spot any major news so I will keep this short and hope that we will have some more stories to report on tomorrow.

Town hall meeting

Reminder that the town hall meeting will happen today at 10:00AM UTC on Discord. It should be an interesting discussion so try to make it if you can!

Shin-Kuma node support

The 9th Shin-Kuma node support funds have been distributed. Apparently over 40,000XYM has now been donated to worthy projects that are increasing visibility for Symbol! You can read more about the projects supported in this round on NEMLOG (Google Translate is needed). You can also apply for support if you are currently working on Symbol projects and promotions. Maybe Symbol Blog should apply πŸ€”

Experiment writing code using the Symbol blockchain in Google Chrome!

I wrote a new post about experimenting with Symbol using Google Chrome. This is a translation of an excellent Qiita articleΒ fromΒ nem_takanobu. The article takes you through sending a testnet transaction from the Developer Tools console within the Google Chrome browser! There is zero setup required, you literally just need Chrome installed (and obviously an internet connection).

I don’t know any Javascript but actually the code is fairly intuitive. If you haven’t looked into working with Symbol programmatically then this is a nice introduction. It will show you to how Symbol transactions work and will give you the chance to experiment further and have a bit of fun learning in a practical way.

A new influx of harvesters?

Thanks @SamiurR76186237 for translating this @TrendStream tweet! Apparently there are around 430 million XYM being held by Coincheck that have not been distributed yet. Presumably a large number of these will go into private wallets for harvesting meaning that competition and therefore harvesting “difficulty” will increase 😬 I guess it is better news for node owners who might attract some new harvesters though! 😁

Ledger issues on Mac – Symbol desktop wallet v1.0.5

I ran into this problem when I was writing the article on setting up a Symbol Ledger wallet. It seems that in Symbol desktop wallet release v1.0.5 there is a known issue that only affects Mac users. This will be fixed imminently though (maybe before this article is published!).

I had to temporarily downgrade to v1.0.4 but will be updating again as soon as the fix is released!

Thanks again for reading and remember if you would like to contribute then please let me know. I could do with some help! 😊

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I'm a Symbol and NEM enthusiast and run this blog to try to grow awareness of the platform in the English-speaking world. If you have any Symbol news you would like me to report on or you have an article that you would like to publish then please let me know!

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