Symbol tweet update

Symbol blockchain news update โ€“ 09/08/21

It’s Monday again already! ๐Ÿ˜ฌ I have to get on with my day job so here’s a short Symbol Blog news update to keep you going on your coffee break or commute. We will be back again tomorrow with another update!

Get rewarded by nominating a community member

I saw this tweet from @nembear earlier asking for nominations of community members that are making contributions to Symbol. If you know of any people and projects that are promoting Symbol then you can report them to nembear and stand a chance of being rewarded with 50 XYM if the nominee is chosen to receive a reward from the Shin Kuma Node. I am not sure if it is only open to his node delegates but it is worth reporting worthy projects anyway ๐Ÿ˜Š Whilst you are at it you can tell me too and I can write a blog post about the project!

Python mania

It seems that the community are becoming motivated to start learning Python and take their first steps in developing on Symbol. This is awesome news! Once you know the basics I highly recommend @xembook‘s series of articles on Qiita, they are in Japanese but we are in the process of translating them on Symbol Blog.

You can find a selection of English language Python articles from various authors on the blog. I have tried to break them down in a bit more detail and explain the code for beginners (like me!).

Also, just a reminder I posted the latest article “Updating Symbol account metadata in Python” yesterday. This builds on a previous post “Registering Symbol account metadata in Python” (thank you again @xembook for the original article!).

Minecraft tomatina?! ๐Ÿ…๐Ÿ…

As you may remember we reported on a Symbol tomatina event last month. As far as I know the final details of what the event will be are still not decided (correct me if I am wrong as there is no information available in English!). I saw this on Twitter today though and it looks amazing! It seems that @nabe387690473 has integrated Symbol tomatina mosaics with Minecraft! You can literally throw tomatoes in the game and the tomatina mosaics are sent from your Symbol account. I am super impressed by this and this adds to the growing experimentation with integration of Symbol mosaics and metadata into video games. Nice! ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Symbol documentation

Here’s a reminder from @DjCellBlock to check out the Symbol documentation. If you are interested in Symbol, including an outline of the new philosophy and structure then you should check this out. There are also technical documents and a who’s who of the Symbol world with links to their social media accounts. Make sure that you are following them! ๐Ÿ˜Š


Thanks again for reading, please if you have any news then let me know, I can’t trawl the whole of Twitter by myself so just email or DM me a tweet if you think it is important and I will tell the rest of the world and give you a shout out. So far I have received zero submissions outside of the XYMbassadors so it would be great to hear from you! ๐Ÿ˜Š

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I'm a Symbol and NEM enthusiast and run this blog to try to grow awareness of the platform in the English-speaking world. If you have any Symbol news you would like me to report on or you have an article that you would like to publish then please let me know!

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