Symbol tweet update

Symbol blockchain tweet update – 22/07/21

Welcome to today’s Symbol Blog news update. We have a *lot* of tweets to get through (I got carried away!) so I’m going to get started!

A request to the community / コミュニティへのリクエスト

This is a new for me but I am translating English text into Japanese. We would like you to help – let’s tell the world about Symbol!


Language should not be a barrier

It frustrates me when I can’t communicate with others due to language barriers but it seems that @0x6861746366574 may have a solution (well it take some of the pain out of it at least)! DeepL translate function will be integrated with Discord to make communication possible whatever language you speak! Pretty cool hey? Isn’t technology amazing?!

Symbol desktop wallet update

Just to make you aware v1.0.5 of the Symbol desktop wallet was released yesterday. The new release that fixes two minor bugs so make sure you keep your desktop wallet up to date!

XYMcity Karaoke 🎤

Note to self. Do not get drunk and hang out in the XYMcity karaoke bar. Nobody wants to hear my rendition of Queen’s Bohemian Rhapsody or “I Want It That Way” by the Backstreet Boys 🍺🎤🤦‍♂️😬. If you are a good singer then maybe go check this out on Discord! Oh also there is a jukebox – this I do listen to in the background whilst I work (or write my blog posts).

NFT marketplace 🤔

This tweet is intriguing but unfortunately I don’t have any more information for you at this time. The post seems to imply that a company is developing a platform for NFT sales and is considering Symbol as its blockchain of choice. The company apparently has ¥50 billion ($453M!) in annual sales so let’s see where this goes. The sales figures are staggering so, call me sceptical, but I am going to take this with a pinch of salt until I can find out more..

Tomatoes 🍅🍅

It’s tomatina time again! XEMbook has created 10,000 tomato mosaics on the Symbol blockchain. There are 1000 up for grabs, I think for the best suggestion on what can how the latest tomatina event will work.

I think that last time NIS1 tomato mosaics were thrown at each other on Twitter using tipnem. I have a feeling that tipnem is no longer active because of uncertainties with certain financial regulations? It looked like a lot of fun anyway 😁 Looking forward to seeing what will happen with this years’ event! I think that we could all do with something to cheer us up at the moment..

School of NEM 👨🏻‍🏫

Time for our regular @SchoolofNEM update – I hope that you are paying attention, maybe I should hold an exam at the end of the month and award digital certificates for those that pass as mosaics on the Symbol blockchain! 😆 Can we integrate these mosaics with badges on Discord? That would be kind of cool.

Aggregate and multisig transactions

Thanks @alediemmee for this translation about transaction LockHashes. To avoid spam, when an aggregate or multisig transaction is sent, 10 XYM will be locked as a deposit for up to two days. Upon completion of the aggregate, the locked funds become available in the account that signed the initial HashLockTransaction. If the deadline is reached without being signed by all cosignatories, the locked amount becomes a reward collected by the block harvester at the height where the lock expires. For further details, check out the LockHashSchema documentation.

NIS1 proof of importance (POI)

Thanks @Niashabid17 for sending in this translation. This relates to NIS1 (Symbol uses a similar consensus algorithm called POS+). Proof of importance, or POI is based on not only your account stake (XEM balance) but also how active you are on the network. Your POI is reflected as an importance score and the higher the score, the more likely you are to harvest a block.

Another important note is that it does not consume vast amounts of power or computational resources.

Harvesting rewards on NIS1 are generated through transaction fees – the higher the number of transactions the higher the harvesting rewards.

And finally…

Congratulations to @yutasoCrypto for completing the set of XYM silver coins! I am slightly jealous, I only have the blue one! I thought that there was a solid gold XYM coin though? Better get saving! 😂

Thanks again readers! As always if you see something cool then send it in and we will give you a mention!

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I'm a Symbol and NEM enthusiast and run this blog to try to grow awareness of the platform in the English-speaking world. If you have any Symbol news you would like me to report on or you have an article that you would like to publish then please let me know!

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