This morning seems like doom and gloom all around. I am not surprised it happened but I am still shocked and worried by the gravity of the situation in Ukraine. I don't want to dwell on politics for fear of offending people but I just...

I wasn't going to write anything today but Hatchet has been on another Twitter rampage and posted two very important threads. Hatchet please get over your hatred for WordPress and publish these on the blog! It would save me rewriting and summarising (and probably getting...

A short Sunday post just to bring you up to date. Not a huge amount to report today but there are a couple of stories that I would like to bring your attention to. Both involve finances and I think it is really good that...

Woohoo, it's Friday! 🥳 I have an hour window before I have to brave the bad weather here and get in the car. Little bit worried as 80mph winds are forecast - wish me luck! 😬 I don't have a huge amount to report on today...

Good morning and welcome to another Symbol Blog update! I think it will be a short one but there is some really cool stuff happening at the moment so it's definitely worth bringing you up to date on what's going on! New exchange listing Great to see...

I am not a huge fan but Happy Valentine's Day anyway! Hope you all have something nice planned 😊 I have quite a few stories to report on so I better get on with today's Symbol Blog update! Changes are coming This is exciting! I think all...

It's Thursday already! I don't have a lot to cover today but there are a few newsworthy items I spotted on Twitter so thought that I should write a short Symbol Blog update. Don't be shy - contribute Just a reminder, if you are a NEM and/or...

Here it is Symbol Blog post number 200! 🎉🥳🍾. We started 233 days ago so not quite daily posts (I have let myself down recently) but it isn't far off! Unfortunately, I don't have anything super special lined up to mark this milestone but I...

This is the tale of a NEM enthusiast turned Symbol node operator, and details the script he wrote to simplify node reward kickbacks. Begin at the beginning...