Good morning world! Suffering a bit today so I apologise for any mistakes - I have been up since 3:00am and need more coffee 😅 Just a short post today but there is some interesting information in here so I thought I would get this...

Good morning world! I hope that you had a good week. I am getting in a quick Symbol Blog update to keep my current unbroken run for 2024 😁 I will be in a different time zone next week as I decided to up sticks...

Following on from my previous post about writing Symbol transactions in Python I have a short post showing how NEM transactions can be sent using the Python SDK. I haven't covered all transaction types but this should give an idea of how to get started....

Good morning XYM City! I am sticking to my New Year's resolution and have set aside some time today to try to understand what has been going on in the world of Symbol and NEM over the last week 😅 I am also dosed up...

Hello XYM City! I hope all is well and your New Year is off to a good start! I am back with another Symbol Blog update as promised though it looks like today's post might be shorter than usual. I guess we are all getting...

Happy New Year everyone! 🥳 I know that I was sloppy with my Symbol Blog updates in 2023 and so I really hope that I will be able to stick to my New Year's resolution and provide regular updates in 2024 😇 I missed so much...

I wanted to generate some stats for my advent calendar article and was going to sum up the year and maybe make a comparison with 2022 but I thought why not go the whole hog and show stats for the entire lifetime of both NEM...

Good afternoon readers! Hope that your day has been good and that you are easing into the new working week. I am writing this wrapped up in many layers and wearing fingerless gloves to type. It got cold here all of a sudden and wouldn't...

I'm back and here's today's update! Taking vanity to the next level Gimre has released a new tool for creating Symbol vanity addresses. There is already a tool released with the Catapult client but this should supercharge the process as it uses GPU compute. He has it...