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Symbol blockchain news update โ€“ 29/08/21 (QUEST Sunday)

It’s Sunday which is generally a slow news day and has (since last week) become our Symbol Blog QUEST update post. Enjoy! ๐Ÿ˜Š

Budding Pythonistas ๐Ÿ

You probably saw this post from earlier, but if you didn’t then check out how our Community Managers got on in their first few weeks learning to code in Python and pick up some tips and tricks in our latest article.

Even if you have never written a line of code in your life here is proof that you can do it as long as you have some passion and dedication. Learning to program is a great skill to have and you never know you may be a future Symbol developer in the making ๐Ÿ˜Š

New QUEST feature!

This is a cool new QUEST feature! If you don’t have any milestones set then you will be able to update QUEST progress with a slider function which shows how far you have progressed with your project. The only time that I have used QUEST so far I didn’t set any milestones so it would have been useful to be able to show my audience how my quest was progressing. I like this feature, it makes it clear that you are working hard and may attract more people who might otherwise think you are not active, to boost you.

QUESTs of the week

It’s Sunday and I said that I would try to do a weekly scan of QUEST and try to pick out interesting projects to let you know about. This list is by no means comprehensive and is not ordered in any way. These are just the first five interesting quests that I came across whilst browsing the site!

University student XYM payment introduction

@shintaso_ started a QUEST to introduce university students to XYM. He will introduce XYM payment for herbal tea during the university summer vacation. It is always good to increase awareness (and holders) of XYM so it would be great to see this kind of activity continue.

Symbol decentralized Internet domains (symbol-dns)

I reported on this already so please check out the post for more information. I have included it in the weekly roundup too as I think it is an interesting project! Please check out @yclaw1015‘s QUEST and see what you think!

Creating a LINE bot for node operators

I saw this QUEST from @kotopapa8 and as a node owner it looked very interesting. I don’t use LINE but I know it is huge in Japan. I assume that I can get it and may be installing it in the future in order to use this bot! ๐Ÿ˜ It is aimed as a notification tool for node owners and the QUEST page shows some of the planned features. I think that the ability to report the number of harvests and rewards for my node in a specified period would be pretty cool.

Tweet only Symbol 50 sound poems for 10 days

@TrendStream has started a QUEST for which the English translation is “Tweet only Symbol 50 sound poems for 10 days”. I have checked the description of the QUEST and I think that this is actually what he is aiming to do rather than me getting a messed up automatic translation! ๐Ÿ˜ I love this crazy idea! ๐Ÿ˜† Here is a English translation of the QUEST introduction:

From September 2, 2021, we will tweet poems with “completely positive” content about NEM / Symbol in alphabetical order (71 in total), aiming for a total of 1500 RT for 10 days.

Make a Symbol snowboard!

I am not a snowboarder and have never been on a ski slope in my life but I love this idea! @ruri has a QUEST to make a Symbol snowboard and I am very curious to see how it turns out! We need some more cool stuff with Symbol designs!


Thanks for reading today’s (short) update. We will be back again very soon with some more news. Remember to go look at QUEST and pick out your favourite projects to boost!

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I'm a Symbol and NEM enthusiast and run this blog to try to grow awareness of the platform in the English-speaking world. If you have any Symbol news you would like me to report on or you have an article that you would like to publish then please let me know!

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