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Symbol blockchain news update 24/08/21

Hello again readers! It’s still Monday 23rd here but I am posting early once again whilst I still have some time 😊 Today’s Symbol Blog news update is a bit techy 🤓 but that suits me fine 😁

Wow! 🤯

I just saw this tweet from @cryptcoin001 and it blew me away. Apparently in just 4 days of testing, NFT-Drive has generated over 1.6 billion(!!!!) transactions (within aggregates) on the Symbol testnet 😱 I assume that the other numbers are amount of data stored and this appears to be running at around 5.4GB of NFTs being stored on chain. These numbers are insane! You may have noticed that the Symbol faucet is having to pay around 200 testnet XYM for sending a transaction at the moment..

The more I think about this the more I think I must have got something lost in translation. Surely it can’t be that many? Surely? I still can’t get my head around these numbers. Maybe someone can correct me if I am wrong 😅

Edit: So thanks to @RadioRa26841511 for translating the screenshot that goes with the text. It seems that the 1.6 billion is the total number of transactions and these happened within 16.5 million aggregates.

@mikunNEM then confirmed with the author that the number is most definitely correct. The huge number of transactions is achieved using inner aggregate transactions (i.e. aggregates of aggregates). Mind officially blown – 1.6 billion transactions in 4 days and only a fraction of blocks have actually been full during this testing.

I am very much looking forward to the stress test at the weekend. This really shows the power of Symbol and aggregate transactions – I am not sure that this could be done on any other blockchain?

If you plan to send some testnet transactions over the weekend then maybe think about doing it before (or after) 20:00-22:00 JST on Saturday 28th August. This will be a load testing window to spam the hell out of NFT-Drive. I will be watching the block explorer closely at this time and may even send a few myself 😁

It looks like the stress test Samurai is back for the occasion 😆

As pointed out by @mikunNEM if this went live on mainnet then it would have the potential to seriously increase harvesting income. I have mixed feelings about rolling it out to mainnet although I am not sure that NFT-Drive would be used very widely at least in the short term so it may not have very much of an impact on transactions. There can’t be many people that would want to pay hundreds of XYM to store images on chain are there?


Happy anniversary to NEMTUS! They have been going for a whole year already! They have a blog post here (in Japanese) outlining scheduled events for the rest of 2021 into 2022. Some highlights include:

■ End of August 2021: Symbol x Angular will be released

■ September 2021:

・ Symbol × Vue.js will be released

・ Learn more about NFT! (Tentative name) Scheduled to be released

■ October 2021: Symbol x React will be released

■ New Year 2022: Hackathon event (online)

■ February 2022: Information on renewal of Symbol node certificate will be announced.

NEMTUS are also looking for donations and you can find out more about how to support them here. They also want to increase their membership so go check out their website and find out more. I would really love it if someone would volunteer to provide some translations for us English speakers. Maybe I can ask some of our Japanese XYMbassadors to help me with some future translations for Symbol Blog.

QUEST updates

Woohoo – finally something that I don’t have to decipher from Google Translate! 🥳 Thank you @QUESTofficial5 for providing an update in English showing the new features that have been integrated into the platform!

In case you are too lazy to click the link I have pasted it below 😂 – here’s what’s changed!

1. Additions

  1. Added abilities to update title, category and tags after started performing of the quest.
  2. Added “Life” category.
  3. Added abilities to close “waiting confirmation…”. It’ll be used when tx announcement was failed.
  4. Added various links.

2. Changes

  1. Extended maximum quest duration to 30 days.
  2. Hide message field from boost list when message is empty.
  3. Various text changes.

3. Bug fix

  1. Fixed the payment button that hadn’t been disabled immediately after pressing.
  2. Fixed voting end date display that shows wrong date after voting end.
  3. Fixed the broken multiline milestone rendering.
  4. Fixed the secret lock duration properly.
  5. Fixed boost button that wasn’t disabled when the user has an unpaid boost invoice.
  6. Fixed browser wallet couldn’t be activated when the user has an unpaid boost invoice. (However, changing account is still disallowed)

We had 189 accounts registration, 121 quests, 331 boosts after mainnet launch. Thank you for so many uses. Thank everyone in the community for their interest.

We’d like to continue to improve the platform.

Node kickback tool progress

I saw this tweet from @nobu_kyutech who is tweeting his progress with the QUEST he has set up to provide an automated way to monitor harvests on his node and will be able to give a percentage of node fees back to his harvesters. The tool will be released to the public when tested and complete so if you are looking for an easy way to implement a percentage refund system then go boost his quest!


Thank you again for reading. I have just finished translating (well writing some English text around some code) another @xembook article on monitoring Symbol transactions so hopefully I will post this in the near future. I am always struggling to find content so if you have news or want to contribute an article then let me know.

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I'm a Symbol and NEM enthusiast and run this blog to try to grow awareness of the platform in the English-speaking world. If you have any Symbol news you would like me to report on or you have an article that you would like to publish then please let me know!

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