Symbol blockchain news update – 17/03/23

Good morning XYM City and happy second anniversary to Symbol! Has it really been two years?! I couldn’t not put out a blog post on this auspicious occasion even if I am a little short on stories so here’s a quick update!

Happy birthday to you!

Woohoo! It’s Symbol’s second birthday and CryptoBeliever has produced a crossword to mark the occasion! If you know Symbol then it should be a breeze so give it a go and you could win a prize 😊 The XYM rewards have all been claimed but you can still receive a special anniversary token by completing the crossword and solving the clue. Once you have done this, send an encrypted message with the solution to the address listed in the tweet and you will receive your token – I have mine 😉

Update your node certificates!

There are a lot of node certificates due to expire over the next month (53 by my count) and 26 nodes have dropped off the network in the last month. If you are a node owner please check your SSL certificate expiry date! It is really easy to renew the certificate. If you are using Symbol Bootstrap, you just need to stop your node, run symbol-bootstrap renewCertificates and restart the node. It takes 1 minute to do. If you are delegating your harvesting to a node, check their certificate expiry date and maybe let the node owner know if it is due for renewal.

Doing us proud

Shout out to those that are promoting Symbol. Your work does not go unnoticed! Keep up the good work guys! 😊

Symbol Gundam-style

I have that song in my head now 😩 I love some of the crazy Symbol themed things I have seen on Twitter and this is no exception! How many other blockchains have flying robots with guns? Good work! 👏

XYM City takes shape

This is just spectacular. Tresto has been working on creating the fictional XYM City using Midjourney and the results are really impressive. There’s a real atmosphere to “District 89”, very Blade Runner – love it!

Although you might not want to meet this character down a dark alley 😬


Thanks for reading, if you have any news that you would like me to report on then just let me know! 😊

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I'm a Symbol and NEM enthusiast and run this blog to try to grow awareness of the platform in the English-speaking world. If you have any Symbol news you would like me to report on or you have an article that you would like to publish then please let me know!

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