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Symbol blockchain news update 14/09/21

It’s Tuesday and I was in need of a short distraction from work so I am taking a break to write today’s Symbol Blog news update. It looks like the end is in sight for the finalisation stall but node owners need to be ready to update to the newest release as soon as it is available..

A fix to the finalisation issue is coming

So it seems that the root cause of the finalisation issue has been found. It has caused some issues with exchanges that wait for finalisation before crediting funds so if you haven’t received XYM that was sent to an exchange this may be the reason why. As Hatchet mentioned yesterday “the chain continues on” so it is just this finalisation stall that is waiting to be rectified and a node update will be issued in the coming hours.

What happened? Well apparently it was a perfect storm of three separate issues coming together:

  • Many nodes did not update their voting keys at epoch 360
  • Some nodes were running at epoch 362 (y tho?)
  • There was a bug in the client where node weight was not calculated correctly between epochs

Each issue was compounded to cause the finalisation stall but once the node software update is issued this should be resolved.

There will be some immediate changes to the requirement for 70% eligible voting stake from the previous epoch to vote on the next epoch (reduced to 67%) but there will be changes coming to ensure that things are much smoother next time 🙂 It seems that many node owners are not going to update their keys before time so this is something that will need to be thought about carefully.

Important if you are a node owner… As @LeonRedinger says the upcoming fix will rely on node owners applying the update in a timely fashion. I am poised and ready to go, make sure you are too!

Design for the new block explorer

I saw this on Discord yesterday but @TrendStream has saved me the trouble of making a screenshot! 😆 You will see the new design on the left versus the current block explorer on the right. I am a “dark mode” fan and the design looks pretty cool so I will be super happy when this (or something like this) goes live. I will also be super happy (and a millionaire) if the XYM price is $13.57 as shown in the screenshot 😁

Where did this awesome design come from…? A napkin of course, isn’t that where all of the best ideas are born? 😂

More design teasers

Another @TrendStream tweet based on the Discord channels (if you are not on XYMcity Discord you should be – that is where all the action is at). Here he likens the new Symbol designs to an anime version of Cyberpunk 2077 and I think that’s a pretty accurate description! I was thinking Blade Runner but judging by the images from the game I will go with it.

I really should play this game, I was put off by all the reported glitches – have these been fixed yet? I now have a PS5 so slow frame rates are probably less of an issue. This game is going on my “to buy” list but I have to play through Ghost of Tsushima and my preorders of Lost Judgement and the rereleased Diablo games. What happened to the days of free time and gaming? I guess a baby, an incredibly demanding day job put pay to that.

Symbol snacks

Saw this quest whilst hungry so thought I would post it 😁 @_tanaka_manami is baking Symbol cookies! I would sell my soul for some baked goods right now.

Cutters are at the ready so looking forward to seeing the finished product!

Mystery article

It is coming, don’t worry! With all of the finalisation issues Hatchet has been burning the candle at both ends and pulling all nighters so expect it next week rather than this! I better get my act together and think about ideas for new articles too, it’s been a while since I last wrote one! 😬 Hopefully I will get some time at the weekend. If you have any ideas for articles then just let me know and I will try to write it!


Thanks again for reading! I want to give a shout out and a huge thank you to @Arvedulis for his generous donation to Symbol Blog! It is massively appreciated and great to know that my writing is appreciated too! 😀

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I'm a Symbol and NEM enthusiast and run this blog to try to grow awareness of the platform in the English-speaking world. If you have any Symbol news you would like me to report on or you have an article that you would like to publish then please let me know!

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