Symbol blockchain news update – 13/06/22

Happy Monday everyone! It’s been a while but I am still here, not being lazy, it’s just taking me a bit longer to find news stories to report on. Soon I will have a lot more time to work on Symbol related things and will get down to some serious writing and research on Symbol and blockchain in general. Really looking forward to taking a deep-dive into some more techy topics, expanding my knowledge and sharing with the rest of the world through the blog 😊


This is intriguing but I am light on details at the moment. It seems that Opening Line has partnered with LAC who appear to be a (or maybe the) leading cyber security firm in Japan. Judging by the number of tweets I have seen about this today I am assuming that this is big news 😁 Apparently they are starting a new service called “Juggle” which allows the secure transfer of files using blockchain technology. The press release also mentions collaboration on other projects so it is exciting to see what will come out of this partnership in the future.

In case you are wondering why I am talking about this. Obviously, the blockchain that they will be using for these projects will be our very own, much-loved Symbol! 🤩

Great to see a real-world application of Symbol technology in business. Sure that there will be many other partnerships to come. Japan is leading the way here as usual but give it time and I am sure that the rest of the world will catch on at some point too 😊

Popularity contest

This is a cool feature. The Symbol Node List website now allows you to sort nodes by the number of Twitter likes each of the node owners has received over the previous five days. If you are doing your bit and tweeting a lot then this will give you a boost up the rankings when sorted on this metric. I am not sure of the exact mechanism, but I think that it only counts tweets containing the Symbol hashtag so you can’t tweet about any random subject and have those likes counted 😊

Symbol tipping made easy

Again, I am not sure about the exact details here (Japanese Twitter is so impenetrable!) but it looks like NFT-Drive Ex, the browser extension, has now made it super easy to tip your fave Symbol community members with a single click.

Just install the extension, hover over a Symbol address and you will have the option to send XYM to that person. If you have your Symbol address in your Twitter bio then this will essentially enable a tipping function so that anyone using NFT-Drive Ex can send you a donation with a single click!

A new crew member

I know this is relatively old news now but as I said in the intro, I need to have enough stories to be able to make a post and they have been a bit thin on the ground recently! Our favourite rabbit nononon has joined the ranks of the extended Symbol space pirate crew and been awarded with this very cool custom avatar. I love this and I love all of the other avatars – really excellent work from the design team – kudos to you 👍

Karmadillo for peace ✌️

If you didn’t see this in my last post then please go check out MOSAIC1-GP, a community project which is using art to raise money to send much needed aid to Ukraine. It is great to see that several community members are getting involved. You can check out this fun submission from KarmaPoint featuring the Karmadillo standing in front of a Ukrainian sunflower.

It looks like bestgoldangel has also submitted some artwork to the cause – I think it must be this one but can’t confirm this. Love it! ❤️

You can check out their Twitter account to keep up to date with the latest artworks – I urge you to take a look and make a donation to a worthy cause 😊

It’s Symbol time

Haha! Love these, Symbol is appearing on smartwatches everywhere! Remember all of the Symbol artwork created is free to use for any purpose, including adding a cool background to your watch! 😁 If you want to join in or make your own Symbol merch then you can access all of the files here!


Thanks for reading! I will be back again soon with another update. Keep the news coming please, I need to have a post for Saturday as this will mark the first anniversary of Symbol Blog! 😮

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I'm a Symbol and NEM enthusiast and run this blog to try to grow awareness of the platform in the English-speaking world. If you have any Symbol news you would like me to report on or you have an article that you would like to publish then please let me know!

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