Symbol blockchain news update – 06/02/23

Hi XYM City, hope that you are well and enjoyed your weekend! It’s been a busy week news-wise so I thought I would get a post out early before my list of stories got too out of hand!

Explorer improvements

Something that you would like to see added to the NEM or Symbol explorers? Anything you think could be improved? Here’s a chance to have your voice heard and give some input to the team!

NFT delicacies

You may have heard of the “Food NFT Consortium” already. One of their aims is to record recipes as NFTs on the blockchain and it looks like there will be a member’s event where you can actually taste some of these culinary delights! On the menu this week is sea urchin (my wife would love this but I just couldn’t) and a vegan curry! I shouldn’t be writing about food when I am hungry 😋

Symbol transactions in Python

@ULUNTA2 has released an article showing you how to send Symbol transactions using Python and it is available in English! If you know a little Python and want to learn more about the Python SDK then you should definitely give this a read!

Boo Elon

Love him or hate him (I verge on the latter) Elon Musk is shaking up the way that we use Twitter and unfortunately, this means the end of free API access. This in turn means that Symbol Node List will be putting an end to their feature to display the number of Twitter likes received by node owners that are related to the Symbol hashtag. Oh well, it is still the number one source for harvesting stats but still, it’s a shame we will see this fun feature disappear.

Beans for everyone!

Onem has been busy throwing beans to other Symbol accounts. I am not sure but I think it has something to do with Setsubun which I just read about on Wikipedia, there is a tradition, mamemaki in which roasted soybeans are thrown to drive out evil spirits and bring good luck for the upcoming year. Last year wasn’t a great time for me so thank you for this Onem, I have a good feeling about 2023. May it be a good year for you all and for Symbol! 😊


Toshi is hard at work again, this time developing a Minecraft-esque which integrates Symbol. I had heard this in the past but apparently the Minecraft developers have banned all use of blockchain technology in their game. Time for an alternative I think – nice work as usual Toshi!

Symbol’s Tokyo takeover

Whaaa – I am still not sure where these data come from but XEMBook has plotted Symbol addresses of organisations based in Tokyo and by the looks of the image there are a lot of them! We are getting there, slow and steady wins the race – let’s hope that we see a sea of blue develop over time 😊

Problematic pings

The team are aware of this already with Cryptobeliever currently on the case. However, since the start of the NEM Supernode programme, there have been some issues with nodes failing tests based on their ping values. This is obviously due to geographical issues (nodes further away from one another will generally have more latency). What this means in practice is that Europe and Japan, the two largest hosts of NEM nodes are not playing well when partnered together and are causing the ping test to fail. I think that the ping duration is being upped to 300ms as we speak so hopefully, it will solve the problem. Annoyingly my node has failed every round so far with a single bad ping result over each period 😭

New NEMTUS Hackathon sponsor

The NEMTUS Hackathon has a new partner, Hexabase. I don’t know much about them as they are a Japanese organisation but they do have an English version of their website so go check them out to learn more about what they do!

And finally…

Just a couple of things I spotted when scouring Twitter for news.


I want one of these! It’s a Symbol logo patch which I would find something to sew it on to.

Flying the Symbol flag

It is also great to see the Symbol flag flying outside the New York Stock Exchange – one day maybe 😂


Thanks again for reading. I will be back again with more news and updates next week, or perhaps sooner if the stories keep coming at the rate they are! Until next time, have a good week! 😊

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I'm a Symbol and NEM enthusiast and run this blog to try to grow awareness of the platform in the English-speaking world. If you have any Symbol news you would like me to report on or you have an article that you would like to publish then please let me know!

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