Symbol blockchain news update – 02/02/22

Hi guys, and welcome to Wednesday’s Symbol Blog update! Sorry posts have been a bit scarcer than usual recently. I am trying (and often failing) to keep up with everything at the moment. Today’s issue seems to unintentionally be an NFT special so I will get going! 😊


Everyone seems to love an NFT these days, I am in the minority that doesn’t really get the appeal but I am now over 40 and officially ancient so don’t hate me 😁 Couple of stories on this topic. The first is that COMSA went live with their offering on Monday – I know I have been slow to report but the chances are you probably already know about it as this is the big Symbol Twitter buzz at the moment and has been for a few days.

If you want to know more about COMSA and what it can offer then there is now English documentation as pointed out by Tresto below. At present, you can create image, audio and video files and store the data on-chain so that they are forever immortalised and retrievable.

This has led to a huge uptick in transactions on the mainnet which is great news for harvesters who will benefit from increased fees if they are lucky enough to get one of these blocks – might mean that us node owners need to start keeping an eye on our disk space though! 😁 It is obvious that the Japanese community are big COMSA users and when they go to bed the number of transactions plummets again 😁 Would love to see some of our community members from outside of Japan signing up and showcasing their talents. If it takes off in the west then we may see a steady stream of new Symbol users in the future!

If you are interested in learning more then check out the COMSA website. There is a toggle in the bottom left-hand corner where you can switch into the English version of the site and read up on what they offer and how to get started. I was going to write an article on it but due to time constraints and some issues with phone verification, I put it on hold for now. I may get some time at the weekend and if I do then this is going to the top of my “to write” list. I was supposed to be going to London for the first weekend away with my wife since my son was born for our wedding anniversary. We had a fancy hotel and posh meal booked but a last-minute emergency meant that we couldn’t go – this week has really sucked balls 😭

Symbol FTW

If you want to find out more about why Symbol is great for NFTs then this thread from Hatchet is a must-read. People are already seeing the potential of what is happening on Symbol right now. We currently have NFT-Drive and COMSA and Garush is in development (hopefully we will see this released in the next couple of months). Exciting times!

It’s really encouraging that other teams are taking note and are appreciating the ideas and approaches that we are taking in this area. Are we finally leading the field in something?! 😁 And I could have told you this a thousand times over already, we have a fantastic and creative community that will continue to grow and strengthen. There is so much genuine passion in the Japanese community and I am proud to be a XYM City resident. The rest of the world is a little slow to catch on but once they do this thing will snowball and I really see Symbol and NEM becoming something huge and something very special.

Nice to see that Hatchet is kind of on the same page 😆 I am usually a pessimist but in the case of Symbol I have always been a huge optimist, or maybe just a realist. Of course, we will succeed!

Phoenix rising

We all know that Symbol represents the phoenix to NEM’s dragon and it looks like @mikunNEM has commissioned @mahorobart to create this NFT on NFT-Drive.

Maho has really become the celebrity Symbol NFT artist over the last 6 months or so and I can see why 😊 Seems there is a new series being released on the COMSA platform so go check it out if you are a fan!

New ideas

I’ll finish with this post from Hatchet who is back, energised and ready to go. I am really excited to hear what the thousand and one ideas are! If you need additional space over a Twitter thread then you know that you are always welcome to log into the blog and write here! I know that you hate WordPress (I do too) but you get used to it after a couple of posts 😁


Thanks everyone for reading and to the two new harvesters that delegated to me last week – it really is massively appreciated and keeps me motivated to write when life gets crazy busy. I hope that things will calm down a little in a couple of weeks time but I have a feeling that it is wishful thinking 😁

If you are a regular reader and would like to support us then please consider harvesting on my node

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I'm a Symbol and NEM enthusiast and run this blog to try to grow awareness of the platform in the English-speaking world. If you have any Symbol news you would like me to report on or you have an article that you would like to publish then please let me know!

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