So what should have been a relaxing couple of days turned into a bit of a disaster when my son's nursery had another COVID outbreak. We are all fine thankfully but I had to kiss goodbye to my dream of catching up with videogames and...

It's Monday again but I don't care as it is a short working week for me this week and I have pretty much cleared my to-do list for the year! Hope that you are on the wind-down before the Christmas break too. I am sure...

It's Friday and Christmas is coming! Hope that you are getting into the holiday spirit and that you get some time off over the next week or two! I still have a few things left on my to-do list so I am going to get...

OK, it's a short one today. This week has been a bit manic but I am slowly clearing my to-do list! 🥳 I also wrote a NEM Advent Calendar article last night to be released on the 18th but I am having second thoughts about...

Monday again and it's starting to feel like the countdown to the Christmas break. I really need some time off. Anyway, will have to be a hastily written post this morning so apologies for typos but hopefully I can bring you up to date on...

It's Friday again! One week left before I take some holiday and my to-do list is starting to shrink. Happy days! Just a short update today, hope you all have a good weekend and if I don't post before then I will be back on...

It's Thursday already and I am back with a quick post whilst waiting for some stuff to run and putting off writing something far more boring and technical for work. I will try to cover as much as I can in a short space of...

Good morning everyone! It's Wednesday and we are halfway through the week already. I don't have a lot of time today so I am going to get straight on with today's update! Symbol block extractor So I had a small play with this several months ago and...

It's Monday already and I know I have been slacking off the last few days - well not really, just been working on my day job all weekend and then looking after a sick toddler. It's all go! I have a bit of time now...