Symbol blockchain news update – 29/04/24

Good morning! The sun is shining and I’ve had my coffee so I thought I would get a quick Symbol Blog post out before I leave for Japan tomorrow. By the looks of your Twitter posts, I should have waited to buy my Yen 😅

NEM Supernode Enrollment Time!

It’s that time of the month again, that sounded wrong but if you run a NEM Supernode then you know what I mean. Make sure you send an enrollment message to the May address otherwise, you will not be paid next month!

Symbol SDK

Ooh, a new version of the Symbol JavaScript SDK has been released.

Looks like there are a couple of fixes so make sure you use the latest version. method previously returned an incorrect timestamp due to a bitwise OR operation that only works with signed 32-bit integers. Switched to Math.trunc() resolved this.
in certain JavaScript/TypeScript environments, package subpath exports were not working. To increase compatibility, the 'import' was added, and the 'default' export was moved to last. The TypeScript requirements are Node16 with ES2020 functionality.

Also, I saw these posts so if you are creating a new project with the JavaScript Symbol SDK then these resources could be useful for you to get you up and running:

SIPin’ on XYM and Juice

Apologies for possibly the worst Symbol Blog headline ever – the acronym SIP just put the Snoop Dogg song in my head so there we are – this definitely won’t translate either 😅

I briefly posted about the Symbol Improvement Proposal (SIP) recently suggested by the community here but Radio has written an article (in several different languages) describing what a SIP is and what SIP-1000 aims to achieve. You can read the English version of the post here so what are you waiting for! 😁

Donations welcome

Here’s a reminder that Sandwich Factory collects donations to provide free lunch boxes to local children. It is a really nice gesture and a worthy cause so if you feel like sending some XYM their way then please do so ❤️

Symbol DJ

I wonder how many other blockchains have their own resident DJ? My clubbing days are long gone but it looks like our community has still got it and were tuning in to this Symbol-themed session. I was going to write something cool here but realised that I would just sound like an old person and use out-of-date words so I thought better of it 😁

Karaoke Kings

Whilst we are on the topic of music. I will ask the same question. How many other blockchains have their own karaoke advertising? 😂 I love this and may have to go to a JOYSOUND when I am in Japan and request this song. I have tried a Karaoke Kan and a Big Echo but JOYSOUND is a new one on me.

Getting Down to Business

Finally, a big shout-out to the design team for my awesome business cards. I am taking them on my travels so if I see you in the next two weeks we can swap cards 😁 💼


Thanks for reading. I will be back again soon with another post and will hopefully see some of you IRL for 🍻!

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I'm a Symbol and NEM enthusiast and run this blog to try to grow awareness of the platform in the English-speaking world. If you have any Symbol news you would like me to report on or you have an article that you would like to publish then please let me know!

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