Symbol blockchain news update – 21/10/21

Hi everyone, I am back after a day’s break and have a short (non-controversial) Symbol Blog post today which makes a change at the moment! 😊

NEM rises

It’s the #soonTM that has become synonymous with NEM 😁 but it looks like a new dawn is coming and it will be here, well.. soonTM. I assume(?) that this will be the relaunch of but really it could be anything.. Maybe the Mt. Fuji reference means that it is something NEM related coming to Japan. Cryptic.. 🤔

Ah, I see a familiar picture on the new NEM documentation page (page looks great by the way) 😁

So it looks like NEM has not been forgotten in the revamp. Another phrase I haven’t heard for a while here – “the sleeping dragon has awoken”. It’s good to see that NEM is getting a refresh although I have to admit I am more excited about the Symbol relaunch but that is coming soonTM too 😁

Just a thought as I am writing. If NEM is the dragon then what kind of creature would Symbol be? I think it’s alarm clock is about to go off and once we get some coffee inside it the it will be ready to take on the world.

Edit: obviously the team didn’t want to disappoint me and whilst I was writing today’s article this appeared:

Follow the pirates on an epic adventure 🏴‍☠️

Important tweet from @NEMofficial I wasn’t following some of the pirate crew but now I am – make sure that you are too! Oh, since I finished the article the original tweet was deleted.. But check out this thread (which replaces it) and make sure that you follow them!

Also take a look at their HackMD page for the latest official Symbol Syndicate articles.

Symbol interior design? 🤯

This is a crazy tweet from @tsubasa_yozawa who it seems isn’t short of a few dollars. If the automatic translation has served me well he has 22 houses in Dubai (yes 22, you read it correctly) and I guess probably owns property elsewhere too. Lifestyles of the rich and famous hey? Anyway, he wants to give one of his houses a Symbol themed design! I am very much looking forward to seeing this if it happens. Maybe some of you Symbolers can buy/rent it when you you make your fortunes. I guess he doesn’t live in all 22 homes so it probably will be rented or sold?

I like purple but think it might be a little flamboyant for my taste. Also I only own one house (well kind of, I have a mortgage) and I am not sure that my wife would like it if I went for a Symbol decor.. Maybe I will run it past her 😅


I love this tweet from Hatchet. Sums up how I feel about Symbol, especially at this point in its history with all of the changes that have been made to the way that it is run and the focus of the project going forward. I really didn’t like the bland corporate look and I just didn’t get what the project stood for on its release (did anyone)?

It is a movement, a small one at present but there is a buzz about it and make no mistake it will explode.

Logo history

As you probably know if you have read this blog before, design is not my forte 😁 so It is nice to get an insight into how and why decisions are made in the design process and here is a snippet of that knowledge here. I had no idea that logos needed to breathe but it kind of makes sense.

Also I assume it didn’t cost $500,000 to design like the last logo either 😂 This one is far better too!

GMO coin listing

In case you missed it before GMO Coin has listed XYM and they have a promotional giveaway so if you use the exchange then go check it out. Hopefully we will see some more exchange listings soon.

Symbol settlers

So I can’t translate this poetic tweet from @TrendStream and do it justice but I am sure that our Japanese readers will appreciate it. He likens the NEM explosion of 2017 (first image) to the building of the Burj Khalifa and after a sandstorm people left and moved on. The second image shows Symbol. The dreamers that survived the cold nights since the storm have come together in a new land. What will they create?

Thanks for reading!

You are probably glad that there was no new drama to post about today, my last post about the Trust and NGL was by far the most the most read article on the blog since it started so it is obviously something that the community care deeply about. I hope that things can move on quickly and the team can really focus on the future of Symbol and NEM rather than fighting with the past.

I will be back again soon with some more news updates, if I don’t write anything before then have a great weekend!

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I'm a Symbol and NEM enthusiast and run this blog to try to grow awareness of the platform in the English-speaking world. If you have any Symbol news you would like me to report on or you have an article that you would like to publish then please let me know!

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