18 Sep Symbol blockchain news update – 18/09/23
Hey guys! Happy Monday! 😁 I am back again with another Symbol Blog update and, this may just be me, but it seems like the news is coming thick and fast at the moment. There is so much going on in the Japanese community that I am struggling to decipher and report on it. By the way, I hope these Tweets (X’s?) display correctly, seems that I may need to update my version of WordPress as the new links to x.com don’t seem to embed and so I am having to manually change the URLs 😭
Save the date!
It’s the moment you have all been waiting for! The date has been set for the first Symbol and NEM conference which will be held on the 19th of December 2023 in Tokyo. Further information will be coming soon so keep your eyes peeled! 👀
I will be attending, so will see you guys there!
The growing Symbol empire
This is a nice visual overview of some of the applications and businesses built around Symbol. I have written about all of them both here and on Notion but perhaps I should aggregate my writing and post an introduction/user guide for each on the blog in the future.
The excitement mounts
I always get excited when Toshi starts building something and it looks like a mystery application will be released imminently. It says maybe today but at time of writing I didn’t see anything so I will retweet (sorry repost) on Twitter X when I see it.
NFT-Drive booth
So I am not 100% sure but I think that NFT-Drive had a booth at the Kyoto International Manga Anime Fair 2023.
And by the looks of things, there was Symbol cosplay involved! 😁
Great to see Symbol being represented outside of the usual techie circles! 😊
Tomatina / Potatina roundup
If you weren’t around at the end of August and missed the annual NEM/Symbol Tomatina event then you missed out!
There is a roundup of Tomatina and the new Potatina events in the post above – the link to the English article is here so go check it out!
Buy real-life art with XYM
So again apologies if I got this wrong but it looks like (maybe for a limited time only) okayo is selling physical artwork with the option to pay using Symbol (XYM). It’s great to see that payment adoption is slowly creeping into Japan. I hope that the number of sellers and businesses continues to increase and diversify. For a summary of Symbol payment venues check out the Everyday-Symbol website.
Python SDK examples
I am sure that there will be more examples to come but faunsu has a GitHub repository showing how to send a transaction using the Symbol Python SDK. Again I have a few examples that I have written. Maybe it is time for me to tidy these up and publish them 😅
Food NFT meet-up
There will be a Food NFT meet-up in Nihonbashi on the 29th of September so if you are a local and are interested then mark the date in your diaries!
Thanks as usual for reading. I will be back soon with another update and maybe some articles 🤔

I’m a Symbol and NEM enthusiast and run this blog to try to grow awareness of the platform in the English-speaking world. If you have any Symbol news you would like me to report on or you have an article that you would like to publish then please let me know!
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