18 Jan Symbol blockchain news update – 18/01/22
OK, a quick one today as Twitter was quiet and I am busy 😁 I will be back with a longer post at some point soon and hopefully Hatchet’s guest post will be coming soon too so that I can get a day off from writing 😆
Mosaics as marketing tools
I have been watching @tsubasa_yozawa‘s mosaic airdrop with interest and it got me wondering how many new followers, retweets etc the project has generated. He already has a ton of followers so maybe it is minimal in the grand scheme of things but it seems like it could be an interesting marketing tool, This tweet generated over 10,800 retweets which even with over 550K+ followers is pretty good going. That is a lot of eyes on this tweet!
So, Jaguar also picked up on my comment and (I think jokingly) asked whether Symbol Blog would be issuing its own mosaic. I had thought briefly about it when writing the last update but thought maybe it would be better to have some kind of utility first. Although now I am interested in experimenting and writing a blog post to see what kind of reach a mosaic airdrop would generate (maybe this is one to add to the “to write” list).
Just thinking out loud but I wonder whether it would be possible to generate a supporter token linked to an image (like a badge or something) although I am not sure where that badge would actually be displayed 🤔
Would be cool if this could be rolled out over many projects e.g. supporter.symbolblog or supporter.nftdrive etc, each with its own badge. Then users could request (or maybe even buy) the mosaic to say that they supported the project. Could even have a website that pulled in this information (everything under the supporter namespace) and displayed the project information along with the badge and the number of supporters – would then end up acting as a kind of directory of everything built on Symbol that could be ranked by popularity. Not sure if it would actually work in practice but just an idea 😁
Looking at Discord over the past few weeks (months?) I can see that there has been an enormous amount of work that has gone into designing these, it has been nitpicking of the highest order to perfect them 😁 The finished(?) products look amazing – good job guys!
My kind of place
OK if you are in Sapporo and you need to get warm then this is the place to go! ABELiA (I think this is the name of the bar but I can’t find it on Google) will be accepting XYM payment from 28th January. Also, they are offering an all you can drink promotion (including karaoke) for 2 hours for ¥3,500. This is my kind of place, all you can drink and karaoke – I like to live dangerously 😁
🎶 Time is (not) on my side 🎶
It had to happen, now I have this Rolling Stones song in my head and that led to thinking about that 90’s Denzel Washington movie that I had to google the name of (it’s Fallen from 1998). Maybe I had too much coffee this morning 😬
So anyway, back to the tweet..
As you can tell from my racing thoughts above, I also suffer from this affliction, not enough time and too much to do. If you want to help Hatchet implement some of these ideas then I am sure that she would welcome the offer. Would free up some of her time so that she can finish her blog post too 😉 😁
OK, that’s me for today. Short (but sweet?). I will be back again soon with another update!
If you are a regular reader please consider harvesting on my node xymharvesting.net and supporting us – thanks 😊

I’m a Symbol and NEM enthusiast and run this blog to try to grow awareness of the platform in the English-speaking world. If you have any Symbol news you would like me to report on or you have an article that you would like to publish then please let me know!
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