Symbol blockchain news update – 12/10/22

Hello, world! It’s that time of the week again and I am back with another Symbol Blog update! 😊

COMSA visualisation tool

This is cool, @monakaJP has created a web-based system to view COMSA NFTs – and it’s super fast! There are two examples of COMSA NFTs provided in the tweet, one is a 2.8 Mb image and the other is a 144 Kb audio file. You can use the service for yourself just by entering the URL and then adding the token ID on the end. For example, I only own one COMSA NFT with the mosaic ID 3BE409F4AD6638AE and so I can view it at this address: it doesn’t however, appear to work for COMSA’s NCFTs.

It seems that it retrieves data and recreates the NFT so rapidly by querying mongodb directly from the node with the use of a custom plugin. The original article that this is based on can be found here. It is going on my reading list as I have only skimmed it so far whilst writing this story. I am sure that there are many other applications for this approach outside of NFTs too.

Radio coverage

Thanks, Radio for tweeting this in English, I would have missed it otherwise! I had heard of Yamado resort and their involvement with Symbol but it looks like they have recently been featured on J-wave radio (a radio station based in Tokyo).

In the article they say (Google translated translated text):

We are currently using a blockchain called “Symbol”, and since it is a mechanism that makes it easy to issue our own tokens, we will eventually issue “Yamado-tokens” and have customers use them. I also have an idea. I think that depending on how you do it, you can do something very interesting, so I would like to do it as a team in the future.

Great to see some coverage for Symbol, I hope that we will continue to see pioneers gain the recognition that they deserve.


Here is a tweet from @kamomegawataru linking to an article from Tresto who I believe sadly has taken a break from Twitter 😞. It covers COMSA’s new “Non Circulatable Fungible Token” (NCFT) service and gives the lowdown (in Japanese) on what they are and how they can be used.

I didn’t know this but NCFTs cannot be traded or transferred between individuals and the NFT can only be moved between COMSA and the NFT owner. As I have written about before, NCFTs are tokens showing identical images that can be created as a limited edition series, each with a unique serial number. This generally makes this an inexpensive option for buyers as you are not purchasing a 1-of-1 artwork. It’s a nice feature for the platform and I have bought two so far (thanks Tresto and Klim!) 😁

Make a Symbol NFT in school

It’s another NFT story! This time school children have had the opportunity to turn the illustrations of their school’s logo into tokens on the Symbol blockchain. Apparently, visitors to the school will be issued with a copy. It’s really great to see schools in Japan embracing Symbol technology. I think that @subarumanSP helped teach the students, great job! 😊

Symbol node monitoring tool

@kurikou_XymCity created a Symbol node monitoring tool using Prometheus and Grafana. I like the interface, it looks very sleek! Just a reminder for anyone thinking of setting up a Symbol node monitoring system, @symbolico1 wrote a Symbol Blog guide showing how to do this step by step using Zabbix. I highly recommend giving it a read and buying yourself some peace of mind knowing that your node is up and running (and be notified if it isn’t!).

SSS article

@ChipmunkSymbol seems to be in the writing mood again 🦾 and he has just published an article on using the SSS browser extension. I set this up last week as I used it for an article I was writing and it’s a super simple process. In his article. Chipmunk takes you through setting up your wallet and using it to interact with a Symbol-based racing game that you may remember from a previous post. The article is in Japanese but writing an article on SSS in English has been on my to-do list for a while so watch this space! 😊

Symbol web wallet

Interesting! @faunsu19000 started working on a Symbol web-based wallet a while ago but I think that progress stopped due to other commitments. It appears from this tweet that he is looking for someone to take what he has started and complete the project. What he has done so far looks fantastic! I hope that a talented community member will pick up where he left off!

Symbol stickers

@Karriz_ has made some shiny new Symbol stickers! I believe one of which, from the Korean translation, will adorn his shiny new iPhone 14 😁 I don’t think that I will be buying a new iPhone in the near future but my laptop is looking bare. Maybe I need to get some printed for myself! 🤔

Party in XYMCity! 🎉🕺

Looks like the party starts in XYM City this Saturday night! Actually, it will be 2:00pm for me. I would love to be there but will be on family duty. If you’re free this weekend then get yourself into the XYM City metaverse on Cluster and let your avatar dance the night away 😁 Music will be provided by DJ Takamasa Owaki – you can check him out on Soundcloud, I am listening whilst writing this 🕺


OK, that’s it again for today, I will be back again as soon with another update!

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I'm a Symbol and NEM enthusiast and run this blog to try to grow awareness of the platform in the English-speaking world. If you have any Symbol news you would like me to report on or you have an article that you would like to publish then please let me know!

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