Symbol blockchain news update – 07/04/22

It seems that it has been a bit of a slow news week this week so apologies for the gap between posts! There is however an exciting development and a really worthy cause to donate to that I thought I would share with you.

Help for Ukraine

I have been shocked and appalled by the events in Ukraine and have sent a few donations in recent weeks. If you would like to help then there is now an additional incentive to do so. As a token of gratitude for your support, you will receive a limited edition on-chain NFT (and they are really good too!). The project was set up by @oleh_mk who is part of the NEM/Symbol team and is currently working in his homeland of Ukraine whilst this horrible war is taking place. I really hope that you and your loved ones are as safe as you possibly can be in this terrible situation.

The website is available in multiple languages and there are 21 different NFTs available to purchase. Each of the NFTs in the series is limited to a set number of issues ranging from 1 up to 500. The cheapest starts at 8 XYM and the most expensive, unique piece is 35,000 XYM (I want to see that animal Putin behind bars in real life). They are really good and for an exceptionally good cause – 100% of proceeds are sent to the Ukrainian army and humanitarian aid funds. Please support Oleg’s incentive and give whatever you can afford to help those suffering and those fighting for their freedom. I may go back and buy some more after I finish writing today’s post 😁

Please go to the website and support this worthy cause!

You can even view your NFTs on a map of Ukraine (I went a bit overboard on the flowers) 😁

Symbol conference 2023

Exciting news! There will be a Symbol Conference held in Japan in March 2023! The venue is still to be decided but there is currently a strong favourite for the location. If you would like to attend then please vote in the poll below. I quite fancy Osaka, I have been to Tokyo three times (and I love it), spent a week in Kyoto but have only had a day trip, with one of the worst hangovers I have ever had, to Osaka.

Not sure how this is going to work with languages but it seems like there are options for real-time translation so hopefully we will all be able to understand talks given in all languages – isn’t modern technology wonderful?! 😊

Once the location and exact date are decided I will be booking my flights! Hoping that we can afford to fly out as a family and have a couple of weeks in Japan to explore, should be fun taking a then 3-year-old on a 12 hour flight 😬 Come on Symbol price – I am banking on you to pay for the trip, we still have a way to go but there’s time 😂

A new events channel has also been set up on Discord so we can keep an eye on progress. Looking forward to meeting some of you over a beer or two in real life! 🍻 Also will give me the opportunity to spend some XYM, if you are a business accepting XYM payments then I may be coming your way next year and will write up my experiences on the blog 😊

Huobi Japan XYM competition

Huobi Japan will be holding a prize draw with a top prize of 30,000 Yen’s worth of XYM. Great that they are offering a prize but it does seem a little stingy with a top prize of around $242 or around 1,750 XYM.

There are additional prizes for the runners up

  1. XYM worth 30,000 yen – 1 person
  2. 1,000 yen XYM – 5 people
  3. 500 yen XYM – 30 people

In order to be entered into the draw, you will need to have transacted at least 30,000 Yen over the campaign period (April 13th – 27th). Good luck! 😊


Thanks for reading, I will be back again soon with another update – I need some news to report on though so if you spot anything interesting then get in touch, tag me (@blog_symbol) in your post or DM me on Twitter!

If you are a regular reader and would like to show your support for the blog then please consider delegating to my node

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I'm a Symbol and NEM enthusiast and run this blog to try to grow awareness of the platform in the English-speaking world. If you have any Symbol news you would like me to report on or you have an article that you would like to publish then please let me know!

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