06 Mar Symbol blockchain news update – 06/03/24
Good morning XYM City! I’m going to struggle with Twitter this morning as most of the #Symbol and #XYM hashtags over the last couple of days have been pictures of trading charts with the odd rocket thrown in for good measure 😂 I think maybe today the euphoria is starting to wear off a bit today but fear not = that is just crypto,
It’s always good to see some interest in Symbol and I hope that a few recent buyers actually start harvesting and take the time to learn what Symbol is about and what the community is doing rather than just blindly buying and selling for profit. So, welcome to any new readers – I’ll try to keep you updated with the many initiatives, insights and inventions coming out of Japan and hopefully beyond! In the meantime please join the Discord server and say hello!
(by the way, here is a high-res version of the featured image if you want to try to spot yourself – it was made a while ago from Hatchet’s follower list)
EXYM Updates
Everyone’s favourite mobile wallet has seen many updates and improvements in the latest release. Here’s a summary of the automatic translation:
- Improved sending functionality, which had been highly requested
- Simplified the initial registration flow
- Included a feature for easy setup of delegated harvesting, which is gaining attention for its ability to easily earn income
Harvest-related updates:
- Added easy harvest feature (automatic and custom)
- Added functionality to release delegated harvesting
- Added display of current account’s delegation status in the harvest settings screen
- Added display of delegation status for each registered account in the account list
History-related updates:
- Added display of harvest history
- Improved history loading speed
- Improved so that the history screen does not reload when returning from the aggregate transaction detail screen
NFT-related updates:
- Fixed an issue where some NFTs issued by NFTDrive were not displayed
Account registration-related updates:
- Simplified the registration flow at initial startup
- Added a hide function to the password entry field on the account addition screen
Other updates:
- Improved the alert display when the camera is not authorized
- Added categories to the menu and settings tabs
- Changed the design of in-app notification messages
- Fixed an issue where some settings were not reflected in the design preview feature
You can get hold of the iOS version here and Android version here.
A Worthy Cause
NEMTUS have been collecting donations towards the victims of the recent Noto Peninsula Earthquake and has published a report on the funds raised so far. It looks like 740,384 JPY has so far been transferred to the relevant charity but they are still collecting if you would like to get involved and donate either in cash or crypto.
Keep the Transactions Flowing
I do a roundup of Symbol and NEM stats for the previous month on the first day of the month and it looks like there were more than double the number of Symbol transactions in February than there were in January. I hope that this trend continues, it really is great to see! Keep up the good work! 😊
XYM Comic
Haha, I always look forward to these! 😁 This week the girls are discussing a new Symbol-based cat app and I really want to know where I can get it as it is right up my street!
Ventus Aggregate Bonded Support
Mikun is hard at work and adding yet more features to his excellent Ventus Wallet. This time it looks as if Aggregate Bonded transactions can be sent. I really love the unicorn waiting screen! 😂
Nodes on the go
So this post isn’t actually about the number of mobile nodes but I thought it was really interesting to see how many Symbol mobile peer nodes are online. It looks like there are way more nodes than the Symbol Explorer is reporting which is going to mess up my monthly reports as that’s what I get the stats from 😅
I think that nononon is commenting on the difference in peer node versions displayed. I have a Raspberry Pi peer node which is showing as version 16777990 and I built mine from source a while ago, probably the dev branch but I don’t remember.
ONEPLATE in the News
Great to see that the Symbol-based ONEPLATE is getting some media coverage! I will leave you to click the links and make use of Google Translate but I hope that we will continue to see coverage of Symbol projects in well-respected media outlets.
Learn V3 of the Symbol SDK Quickly
It looks like the ever-popular Quick Learning Symbol has been updated to give example code for version 3 of the Javascript Symbol SDK. I am not sure if this version is available in English yet. There is a dropdown language selector but it didn’t seem to work for me. I am sure that it will be translated at some point although I know that Radio is a very busy man at the moment! 😂
Thanks as always for reading. I wish you all luck for this year and hope that you will find financial freedom but take a break from watching those charts, it’s not good for your health! 😁 I will be back again soon with another update and if you have anything that you would like me to feature on the blog then just let me know!

I’m a Symbol and NEM enthusiast and run this blog to try to grow awareness of the platform in the English-speaking world. If you have any Symbol news you would like me to report on or you have an article that you would like to publish then please let me know!
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