Woohoo it's Friday again! 🎉 Trying to work out whether I should spend it catching up with work 😇 or getting started on the three PS5 games that I haven't started playing yet 😈 Maybe there's a balance to be struck there somewhere. I am...

It's Thursday already and it's been a bit of a crazy week so apologies as there may be some days that I don't get around to posting due to other commitments. Maybe this is a good thing, I will aim for quality over quantity at...

Welcome to Tuesday's edition of the Symbol Blog update. It seems today all of our news is focussed on art and design coming out of the Symbol community. There is some real talent out there, nice work! Crypto Girls Check out this awesome trailer from @netadi! Crypto...

Well it's Monday again and I for one am glad that it is drawing to a close. After 14 hours working in front of a computer with no breaks after working all Sunday too I have rewarded myself by sitting in front of a computer...

It's the Symbol Blog Sunday update and it's a little busier than usual for a weekend. Pandora's Box has been opened and we urge you to give your view on what should happen with the NEM Official Twitter account.. The NEM Official Twitter account I warned you...

Never a dull day in Symbol land is there? 😁 It feels like a bit of a soap opera some days with various degrees of drama and intrigue. We had the shocking installment of the finality stall, the heroic efforts of the devs to fix...

Hey guys, we are back with another Symbol Blog update! After all of yesterday's excitement we have a slower news day today but I think I have just about enough content for a small post. By the way, sorry for the lack of longer articles...

Hi everyone and welcome to yet another edition of the Symbol Blog news update! I am starting my post the evening before and so far I only have two stories to cover so hopefully I pick up some more news by the time I post...

OK, bear with me today, not feeling so great and I think I need more coffee for my brain to start functioning correctly! A lot happened whilst I was asleep regarding the finalisation issue so I will try to bring you up to speed in...