
02 Dec NEM Advent Calendar 2021 – all of the articles
Gimre suggested it would be a good idea to keep track of the NEM Advent Calendar articles in one place so this page will be updated throughout the month with links to all of the published articles and their authors. It’s an exciting month with 46 articles promised so far so we will all have some reading over the Christmas break! 😁
Wednesday 1st December
- Symbolの衝撃 (The impact of Symbol) – XEMbook (in Japanese)
- It Takes An Army – Hatchet
- “胡散臭い仮想通貨”から”未来のインフラ”へ (From “Cryptocurrency” to “Future Infrastructure”) – GodTanu (in Japanese)
- Symbolブロックチェーンで自分のアカウントへの署名要求を検知する (Detect request to sign your account with Symbol blockchain) – XEMbook (in Japanese)
Thursday 2nd December
- Symbol Mosaic Revocation Transaction In Metaverse – Anthony Law (in English)
- Symbolアドレスの謎を紐解く with catbuffer (Unravel the mystery of the Symbol address with catbuffer) – toshiya_ma (in Japanese)
- モザイク回収トランザクションについて (Symbol Mosaic Revocation Transaction In Metaverse) – Radio-Radio (in Japanese)
- Symbolブロックチェーンでクラウドサービス不要のログインを概念検証する (Proof of concept for cloud service-free login with Symbol blockchain) – XEMbook (in Japanese)
Friday 3rd December
- Symbolのリボーカブルモザイク (Symbol’s revocable mosaic) – planethouki (in Japanese)
- コピペで動くXYMの残高チェック【Vue.js編 初心者向け】 (XYM balance check that works with copy and paste [Vue.js edition for beginners]) – ishidad2 (in Japanese)
- ゼロ知識証明とSymbolブロックチェーンとzkRollupについて (About Zero-knowledge proof and Symbol blockchain and zkRollup) – XEMbook (in Japanese)
Saturday 4th December
- 非プログラマーでも出来た!4STEPで、はじめてのブロックチェーンアプリ開発!! (Even non-programmers could do it! Develop your first blockchain app in 4STEP! !!) – kitsutsukick (in Japanese)
- Coming soon…?
- NIS1に委任している状態でノードを再起動してみる検証 (Verification to try restarting the node while delegating to NIS1) – ftakao2007 (in Japanese)
- Symbolブロックチェーンで不正な署名要求を検知し、注意喚起のメッセージを送る方法 (Symbol How to detect fraudulent signing requests on the blockchain and send a reminder message) – XEMbook (in Japanese)
Sunday 5th December
- ノンプログラマーがSymbolブロックチェーンでゲームを作ってみた (A non-programmer tried to make a game with Symbol blockchain) – nembear (in Japanese)
- Symbol ノード構築で GoTo 大家(入門編)– 2021.12 (GoTo Landlord (Introduction) – 2021.12 by building Symbol node) – curupo (in Japanese)
- NEM NISサーバの軽量なDockerイメージを構築してみた (I tried to build a lightweight Docker image of NEM NIS server) – 44uk_i3 (in Japanese)
- 僕らはファイナライズを待たなければいけないのか~Symbolブロックチェーンの場合~ (Do we have to wait for finalization-in the case of Symbol blockchain?) – XEMbook (in Japanese)
Monday 6th December
- WebエンジニアのためのSymbol開発チュートリアル – (Symbol Bootcamp for Developers) – salaryman_tousi (in Japanese)
- Symbol sdk 検証スクリプト完全版 (Symbol sdk verification script full version) – XEMbook (in Japanese)
- ブロックチェーンSymbolで作る、絶対に不正出来ない割り勘スマートコントラクト (A smart contract with a split bill that can never be cheated, made with blockchain Symbol) – XEMbook (in Japanese)
- Log4jsでログ出力すると同時にSymbolブロックチェーンに記録する。 (Log output with Log4js and record it on the Symbol blockchain at the same time) – XEMbook (in Japanese)
Tuesday 7th December
- Rosetta APIとはなにか (What is the Rosetta API?) – YuKimura45z (in Japanese)
- ハーベストと確率と収束 (Harvest, probability and convergence) – monakaJP (in Japanese)
- 送金できないアドレスを判定して弾く (Determine the address that cannot be remitted and play) – monakaJP (in Japanese)
- Symbolブロックチェーンを使ってクラウドレス環境でのターン制ゲームを作る (Create a turn-based game in a cloudless environment using the Symbol blockchain) – XEMbook (in Japanese)
Wednesday 8th December
- Symbolでの安全なトークン交換の方法と各方法のメリット,デメリットのまとめ(と有効期限の延長方法) (A secure token exchange method with Symbol and a summary of the advantages and disadvantages of each method (and how to extend the expiration date)) – monakaJP (in Japanese)
- Coming soon…?
- VPN+国内激安VPSでグローバルIPが貰えない環境でも自宅ノードを構築する (Build a home node even in an environment where you can not get a global IP with VPN + domestic discount VPS) – monakaJP (in Japanese)
- ぼくのかんがえたさいきょうのSymbolブロックチェーンのアカウント管理方法 (How to manage my Symbol blockchain account) – XEMbook (in Japanese)
Thursday 9th December
- 誰でも簡単、SymbolでオンチェーンNFTを実現する手立て (Easy for anyone to realize on-chain NFT with Symbol) – YukiYamadaJP
- Symbolのリスナーを複数登録・追加する方法 (How to register and add multiple Symbol listeners) – toshiya_ma (in Japanese)
- Symbolを強制ガチホする (Force Symbol) – monakaJP (in Japanese)
- Symbolブロックチェーン上で持ってるNFT画像を全部出す。 (Symbol Put out all the NFT images you have on the blockchain.) – XEMbook (in Japanese)
Friday 10th December
- Essentials Symbol Technical Reference – DaokaTrade (in Japanese)
- Metadataを刻みたい、日本語で – (I want to engrave Metadata, in Japanese) – _inatatsu_csg_ (in Japanese)
- SSS(Safely Sign Symbol) ExtensionでSymbolブロックチェーンの送金を体験する。 (Experience Symbol blockchain remittance with SSS (Safely Sign Symbol) Extension.) – XEMbook (in Japanese)
Saturday 11th December
- You can write Symbol docs too! – sigsegvx
- Coming soon…?
- アグリゲート自動連署botでトランザクションをチェックする (Check transactions with aggregate automatic co-signing bot) – monakaJP (in Japanese)
Sunday 12th December
- Symbolの生きているノードリストの作成方法について (How to create a live node list for Symbol) – ishidad2 (in Japanese)
- [Symbol] ハーベスト確率の考察 ([Symbol] Consideration of Harvest Probability) – nobu_kyutech (in Japanese)
- RawMessageを使ってファイルをブロックチェーンに書き込む (Write files to blockchain using RawMessage) – monakaJP (in Japanese)
Monday 13th December
- その署名、安全ですか? ~安全で簡易に署名するためのブラウザ拡張~ (Is that signature safe? -Browser extension for secure and easy signing) – _inatatsu_csg_ (in Japanese)
- ブロックチェーンSymbolのメタデータを検証する (Validate blockchain Symbol metadata) – XEMbook (in Japanese)
- フルオンチェーンNFTの考察と実装。 (Consideration and implementation of full-on-chain NFT) – EUFjZEyIuzS9rIi (in Japanese)
Tuesday 14th December
- Symbol と Ledger を使ってウェブアプリでユーザーを認証する (Authenticate users in your web app with Symbol and Ledger) – tkskysk (in Japanese)
- マルチシグで0XYMからのNFT発行と疑似levy機能を実現する (Realize NFT issuance from 0XYM and pseudo levy function with multi-sig) – monakaJP (in Japanese)
- Symbolのアドレスを読み取る簡易QRコードスキャナを作成する (Create a simple QR code scanner that reads the address of Symbol) – XEMbook (in Japanese)
Wednesday 15th December
- スキャムほいほいコントラクトの作り方 (How to make a Scam Hoi Hoi contract) – XEMbook (in Japanese)
- Coming soon…?
- TwitterAPI V2で引用RTを検索しSymbolアドレス,TwitterID,本文を抜き出す (Search for quote RT with TwitterAPI V2 and extract Symbol address, TwitterID, and text.) – monakaJP (in Japanese)
Thursday 16th December
- SymbolブロックチェーンでLINE風チャットルームを作ってみた (I made a LINE-like chat room with Symbol blockchain) – teria114514 (in Japanese)
- コピペで動くSymbolリスナー(WebSocket)【Vue.js編 初心者編】 (Symbol listener (WebSocket) that works with copy and paste [Vue.js edition beginner edition]) – ishidad2 (in Japanese)
- AggregateBondedTransactionをもうちょっと確実にアナウンスする (Announce AggregateBondedTransaction a bit more reliably) – DaokaTrade (in Japanese)
Friday 17th December
- Symbolネットワークを介して安全にサーバーを操作する (Operate the server securely over the Symbol network) – NszPluto (in Japanese)
Saturday 18th December
- 着XYM通知botをM5Stack ビジュアルプログラミングのみで作ってみた (I tried to make a ringtone XYM notification bot only with M5Stack visual programming) – tuibegakun (in Japanese)
- Coming soon…?
- Six months of Symbol Blog: some thoughts on starting a community resource – blog_symbol
Sunday 19th December
- Symbolのメタデータを割当・更新(ついでに解剖)する (Assign / update Symbol metadata (and then dissect)) – toshiya_ma (in Japanese)
- Symbolの秘密鍵をシャミアの秘密分散で管理する (Manage Symbol’s private key with Shamir’s secret sharing) – daiki7 (in Japanese)
- VRFs – what are they and how do they work in Symbol – gimre
Monday 20th December
- SymbolブロックチェーンでワールドCPUを作ってみた (I tried to make a world CPU with Symbol blockchain) – nabe3 (in Japanese)
- クラウドレスで顧客の秘密鍵紛失リスクゼロなポイント運用をSymbolブロックチェーンで実現する (Realize cloudless point operation with zero risk of losing customer’s private key with Symbol blockchain) – XEMbook (in Japanese)
- フルオンチェーンNFTもどきをSymbolで作成してみる。 (Let’s create a full-on-chain NFT-like with Symbol.) – XEMbook (in Japanese)
Tuesday 21st December
- Reactとsymbol-sdkでアカウント作成、残高確認、送金できるサンプルアプリを作ってみた (I tried to make a sample application that can create an account, check the balance, and send money with React and symbol-sdk) – matsushin11 (in Japanese)
- Symbol Harvest Summaryの実装方針 (Symbol Harvest Summary implementation policy) – NEM_Harvest (in Japanese)
- Keep your node talking on Symbol – wayon
Wednesday 22nd December
- Symbol投げたら家の鍵が開いた話 (Symbol The story that the house was unlocked when thrown) – ry0-cha-ng (in Japanese)
- Coming soon…?
- POSと連携させてXYM ATMを作ってみた (I tried to make XYM ATM in cooperation with POS) – monakaJP (in Japanese)
Thursday 23rd December
- Symbolにおける価値交換の未来 (The future of value exchange in Symbol) – h_gocchi (in Japanese)
- ブロックチェーンSymbolに記録されたフルオンチェーンNFTのNFT-Driveの画像をデコードする (Decode the NFT-Drive image of the full-on-chain NFT recorded on the blockchain Symbol) – XEMbook (in Japanese)
- Symbolブロックチェーンのノードに確実に接続する方法 (How to make sure you connect to a node in the Symbol blockchain) – XEMbook (in Japanese)
Friday 24th December
- Symbol Mosaic Restrictions in Game – Anthony Law
- APIを作っていろんなプラットフォームで実行しよう (Let’s create an API that can be used on various platforms using Lambda) – kazumasamatsumo (in Japanese)
- Unityでトランザクションを実行しよう (I want to execute a transaction in Unity) – kazumasamatsumo (in Japanese)
Saturday 25th December
- Coming soon…?
- 🌺にすいちのぉどをどっかぁでたてまぁす🌺うふふ💞 – amenoudume
- UE4でトランザクションを実行しよう (I want to execute a transaction in Unreal Engine 4) – kazumasamatsumo (in Japanese)

I’m a Symbol and NEM enthusiast and run this blog to try to grow awareness of the platform in the English-speaking world. If you have any Symbol news you would like me to report on or you have an article that you would like to publish then please let me know!
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