Symbol blockchain news update – 31/05/22

Good morning world! Apologies once again for the gap in posts but it’s been it has been a crazy few days and I am just getting my feet back on the ground, life is full of surprises sometimes! 😊

Symbol goes to school

I remember posting about this a while back but it looks like Meihoukan High School has now started teaching blockchain to students and they are using Symbol to do it. It makes sense, if I can write simple code to interact with the Symbol blockchain then anyone can!

@nrq_jp and @subarumanSP were teaching on the course and it looks like they found some time to play @toshiya_ma‘s game “The Tower“! I wish my school days were like this. Unfortunately blockchain wasn’t even invented when I was at school! 😂

I would love to see this spread. Maybe we need to create some teaching materials and get this into schools, colleges and universities across the world. Symbol should be the blockchain equivalent of BASIC in the 1980s and early 90s – maybe that’s not a good comparison but it’s what I remember from school, oh dear I really am old! 😂

XYM Comic issue 3

I love these! Make sure that you catch up with the latest adventures of the cute sisters in issue 3 of @xym_comic – this week it is all about NFTs!

Gotta catch ’em all

Hatchet is out to complete her mosaic dictionary in the Arcana wallet and is actually doing pretty well. At the time of posting, I think that she is up to 49.5% If you want to help Hatchet out and send her something that she doesn’t have then send a mosaic and you might earn yourself 5 XYM. I totally agree there should be some kind of platform for swapping/selling these. I am at a measly 1.4% so I have a lot of catching up to do!

I am sure that, like Pokemon, the number of mosaics will continue to grow and it’s going to be a nightmare trying to fill your collection – this is why I gave up on Pokemon Go 😂

Give peace a chance

The Charity Art Fest website raising money for aid in Ukraine is now live. They are accepting artwork submissions now so if you have any artistic talent and would like to help out then please go check out their page and get creating!

Support thesymbolchain

Just a reminder, if you are not following @thesymbolchain then you damn well should be! 😁 Surely there are more than 3,298 people that are holding or at least interested in Symbol! We need to get these numbers up!

Politician NFTs??

Hehehe, I don’t really get this but I am now the proud owner of this mosaic!

It looks like a Japanese Diet (parliament not food-related!) member has created a mosaic of himself and released it on the Symbol blockchain!

I am not sure the reasoning behind this but I guess it is good publicity! Looks like it is catching on too! I need to request a copy of this one as well.

Who thought collecting Japanese politician NFTs would be a thing? What a crazy world we live in! 😂


Thanks for reading – will be back soon with another update from the weird and wonderful world of Symbol (and NEM)! 😊

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I'm a Symbol and NEM enthusiast and run this blog to try to grow awareness of the platform in the English-speaking world. If you have any Symbol news you would like me to report on or you have an article that you would like to publish then please let me know!

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