NEMLOG Blog Posting Service

This article was written by @AnaPikachu912 and @AI27982784 and is based on this original nemedia article which they have kindly reproduced in English for Symbol Blog

What is NEMLOG?

NEMLOG was born in September 2018. Initially, it was a blog posting service with a donation function using the cryptocurrency of  NEM, XEM. However, since May 2021 it has started using NEM’s new chain Symbol and its cryptocurrency XYM.

Who developed NEMLOG?

Amazingly NEMLOG was built by a single developer, Mr. Shu (@ shu801115). Even more incredible is that it only took 1 day to come up with the concept and 1 month to fully develop the website.

How do I register on NEMLOG?

Mr. Shu, has been very kind in creating a number of videos to guide users through the registration process. The video is in Japanese but you can use YouTube’s auto translate function for English subtitles. The site also has an English language option which you can select in the top right menu. Unfortunately this only works for the site menu and you will need to use Google Translate to read the Japanese articles.

New registration

Initial setup

Mr. Shu has created a number additional videos to help users navigate through the website and its functions. These can be found on the NEMLOG help page.

Before wrapping up our NEMLOG Tour, let’s hear from Mr. Shu on why he switched to the Symbol blockchain

NEMLOG was developed in a very short time from the concept scribbled on one page of the notebook. Despite its simple system, I am grateful that it has been used by many people. The background to the development in such a short period of time is that the mechanism of NEM and Symbol is very easy to understand and it is easy to incorporate it into an application. There are many blockchain cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum, but no other system is as developer-friendly as Symbol when dealing with blockchain systems. This service uses Symbol for the following reasons, including ease of development:

  • Low development man-hours
  • Low remittance fees
  • Fast remittance speed
  • Community vibrancy

My (@AnaPikachu912) thoughts on the this project:

I am super impressed by how much can be achieved by one person. Mr. Shu, has not only created this very vibrant website and community that so many Japanese NEMbers are using, but he has also gone to great trouble to create short videos to help users use the website.

We want to sincerely thank Mr. Shu for showing us what passion and determination means. He serves as a great example to all of us to build and experiment more.

Let’s support Mr. Shu and NEMLOG in any way we can.

Special thank you to Chipmunk (@AI27982784) for covering this story and helping with the translation.

And a final note from me (@XHarvesting) – it would be really great to see the English speaking community embracing NEMLOG too and I would love to see some English articles on there! Maybe I will post some in the near future and let you know how I got on in a blog post.

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I'm a Symbol and NEM enthusiast and run this blog to try to grow awareness of the platform in the English-speaking world. If you have any Symbol news you would like me to report on or you have an article that you would like to publish then please let me know!

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